Birdogey was once a verb, for the action of turning a birdie putt into a bogey. Now Birdogey known to all as a the beloved professional amateur golfer that we’ve all come to know & love. With more than 750,000 followers through out his social media profiles, Birdogey is the face of relatable golf. Behind the glasses and mustache, is a golf enthusiast whose aim is to make the world laugh. Sometimes they may be laughing at him for a bad shot but a laugh is a laugh none the less.
Let’s learn a little bit more about the legend Birdogey.

Quick Facts about Birdogey
Your Name: Brady Nuss
Location: North Carolina
Years Golfing: 4
Current Handicap: 16
Best Round: 83
Q. Before we talk golf, who is Birdogey? What do you do for work and fun outside of the golf course?
Birdogey: “Well the Term Birdogey comes from having a putt for birdie, and then 3 putting for a bogey. And considering I’m the king of the 3 putts, that’s where I get my name from. Work for me consists of filming videos, editing videos, golfing, and trying to engage with as many of my fans as possible. I’m a pretty humble guy and I know that without my fans, I would be nothing.”
“I told myself that no matter how big my brand or account becomes, I’ll never be the guy who’s too busy to stop and talk with the people who support me. Outside of golf, I used to be pretty heavy into disc golf, and Lego’s.
Q. What inspired you to start playing golf, and how did your journey in the sport begin?
Birdogey: “Back in highschool, me and my friends used to go to the 24 hour driving range and see who could hit the ball the furthest. no formal lessons, did not play on course at all, just went to have a good time during the warm summer nights during highschool.”
“A few years later, I was working as a Mortgage Loan Officer for a big bank, and all my co-workers played. So in order to try and get along with the co-workers, I started taking the game a little more seriously and I would go to the range 2-3 times a week after work so I could try and be “good enough” to go out and play with my co-workers without embarrassing myself.”

Q. What is your most memorable moment in your golfing career so far?
Birdogey: “The most memorable moment for me was the first time I ever made a birdie. I’ll never forget. It was at a small 9 hole course called Indian Creek in Loomis CA, on the 8th hole. It was a short par 3, down hill and it was the first time I ever made a green in regulation. I was using my fathers golf clubs because I didn’t have my own clubs yet and I stuck it to about 5 ft.”
“I was so excited that I was shaking as I hopped in the golf cart and drove up to the green. I walked back and forth on the green looking at the putt from different angles before I finally got the courage to step up and roll the putt. And to my surprise, it went in. With how loud I was yelling, you would have thought I made a hole in one.”
Q. What is your favorite golf course and what makes it special to you?
Birdogey: “I have had the pleasure of playing some of the top 50 courses in the country. Places like Pinehurst #2, #8, #9, #4, Lost Tree, PGA National, Yocha Dehe, and more. however the ONE that stands above all else has to be Tobacco Road. It’s like no other course you have ever played.”
“Lots of courses have a ‘signature hole’ however I consider Tobacco Road a “Signature Course”. everywhere you look, you feel like you are looking at a postcard. stunning views, crazy difficult course, perfect conditions, and incredible staff. If I could only play one course for the rest of my life, it would be Tobacco Road.”

Q. Can you share a bit about your training routine and how you work on improving your game?
Birdogey: “I’m a little different when it comes to training routines. I don’t really ‘train’ like most other golfers. I do have a personal trainer who helps me with fitness goals, and we do work in some golf specific workouts, however I’m not the guy who goes to the range 3x a week trying to improve on my ball striking. I’m a firm believer in the fact that most of us will never go pro, and if you take it too seriously, then you will eventually grow to resent the game.”
“I’m lucky enough to have a lot of friends who either played on the Korn Ferry Tour, or played Division I College Golf, or are just generally really low handicappers. The one thing they all have in common is that when they hit a bad shot, it can ruin their entire day. Some of the most fun rounds I have ever played are with my friends who are high handicappers who have zero expectations, don’t keep score, and just want to go out and enjoy a few hours in the sun surrounded by their buddies and just have a good time.”
“If for some reason I start having major issues and I forget how to hit my driver, or I start hooking my irons and it’s making the game not fun, I will go get a refresher lesson to tidy up my game. But other than that, I don’t really train.”
Q. Who would you consider to be the most influential person in your time golfing and how have they impacted your game?
Birdogey: “There are a couple people who had a major influence in my life and who got interested in golf.First was Erick Anders Lang and the “Adventures in golf” series on youtube. It was a different approach to the golf content that was being produced at the time, and it really showed me the “beautiful, and rich history” side of golf.And Second was Garret Clark, Matt Scharf, and Stephen Castaneda on the GM_Golf channel.”
“I watched them play all sorts of random club challenges, wheel of not ideal, frying pan golf, and more at this little course called sunflower hills. Once I saw them make golf a fun, approachable game that you can play with your friends, I really wanted to start learning more about the game and trying to find some friends I could go and have fun with.”
Q. Is there anybody you want to shout out?
Birdogey: “First I want to shout out to my parents for being so supportive when I told them that I wanted to try and start a golf social media channel. At the time I had a very successful business and I was going to be shutting it down to chase this dream and they didnt doubt me for a second. They knew that it was something I was passionate about, and like any good parents would, they just want to see their son happy and doing something that he loves.”
“Second, I want to thank every person along the way who helped push me when i doubted myself, every fan who’s come up to shake my hand and tell me how much my content resonates with them and how they love seeing somebody embrace this side of golf and how it makes them feel good about going out on the course at their current skill level, every golf course who has worked with me to help give me places to go film, every brand who has worked with me and helped support this dream, and last of all, i want to thank you for taking the time to read this interview.”
“Remember to follow me, or 3 putt the rest of your life.”