Quick Questions
Your Name: Nick Delfico
Location: Scottsdale AZ
Years Golfing: 13
Current Handicap: +2
Best Round: 67

Q: Before we talk golf, who is Nick Delfico? What do you do for work and fun outside of the golf course?
Nick Delfico: “I’m a very active person, Don’t like sitting around and doing nothing. I like playing softball and Bocce with my family when I’m in NY. I like to workout a lot and I take my training very seriously. Hiking, pickleball, traveling and road trips. Road trips are so underrated, guys.”
Q: What inspired you to start playing golf, and how did your journey in the sport begin?
Nick Delfico: “My dad got me into it when I was around 12/13 years old. Never really wanted to play until I quit baseball when I was 14, from that point on I got obsessed with the sport and getting better.”

Q: What is your most memorable moment in your golfing career so far?
Nick Delfico: “When I was 17 I won a local tournament. What made this special was that I was 1 shot up on my playing partner going into 18 and he sticks his shot to around 8ft which put some pressure on me. I got into this zone of concentration that I don’t think I’ve felt before and just so happened to stick my shot to 6 ft from around 160 out. He then missed his putt and knowing I didn’t need to make mine to win I of course did and won by two shots. First tournament win for me that I’ll never forget.”
Q: What is your favorite golf course and what makes it special to you?
Nick Delfico: “GlenArbor Golf Club, I worked there for a couple years and it’s just always in perfect condition. I have a hard time comparing other courses here because these greens are some of the best I’ve ever seen!”

Q: Can you share a bit about your training routine and how you work on improving your game?
Nick Delfico: “Once I quit swimming I got really into bodybuilding and fell in love with working out again. So much fun to get stronger and stronger every week. I honestly don’t train for golf at all but me getting overall stronger and more flexible has definitely helped my golf game. I lift hard and heavy only 3 days a week, giving my body time to recover properly. Although I just started a little program to help me with distance and accuracy off the tee so if you want to follow that journey then follow me on Instagram!”
Q: Who would you consider to be the most influential person in your time golfing and how have they impacted your game?

Q: What was the most pivotal step in your path to becoming a scratch golfer?
Nick Delfico: “Course management and accuracy off the tee!! If you can’t get it in play off the tee then you’ll never shoot the score you want, and then you’ll get frustrated and mentally checked out the rest of the round. I got very good with my driver because I would hit half my bucket on the range with my driver. Literally until I could hit it at my target over and over again. And start hitting my tee shots to the widest part of the fairway and not aiming at the pin every single approach shot.”
“Most of all though I hit on the range A LOT!”
Q: Is there anybody you want to shout out?
Nick Delfico: “Shout out to my dad for taking me to play golf after school like 2/3 days a week until I could drive myself. Probably wouldn’t be as obsessed with the game as I am without him doing that.”